
Using an agile, straightforward, and scientifically validated methodology, PDA helps you identify the best candidates, making your hiring decisions faster, easier, and unbiased.

How do our
behavioral assessments work?

ThePDA offers an accurate insight into individuals’ behavior.


In as little as 10 minutes, the PDA Assessment provides accurate people information, allowing you to gain greater certainty when hiring and understand how to avoid staff turnover.


With our assessments integrated into our interactive dashboards you can read 1 or 10,000 reports at the same time. Use the collected data and predictive analytics tools to identify future patterns.

Delivery of

Access real-time behavioral reporting of the person. Instantly compare candidates and get additional reports such as cross-competency, job, team design, and leadership.


In as little as 10 minutes, the PDA Assessment provides accurate people information, allowing you to gain greater certainty when hiring and understand how to avoid staff turnover.


With our assessments integrated into our interactive dashboards you can read 1 or 10,000 reports at the same time. Use the collected data and predictive analytics tools to identify future patterns.

Delivery of

Access real-time behavioral reporting of the person. Instantly compare candidates and get additional reports such as cross-competency, job, team design, and leadership.

Start using PDA

Our CLASS A multilingual assessment is designed to provide comprehensive insights and facilitate robust interpretations that support your organization’s strategy.Discover the full PDA ecosystem today.

Create, customize and share unique dynamic reports about your teamwork.

Create, customize and share unique reports about your team

Customize reports to make them easy to read and useful to all areas of interest, from Finance and IT toto Human Resources and the leadership team.

Clear, concise and with an overview.

Reports designed
for every need


It describes the compatibility between one or more persons evaluated and the competencies predefined by PDA.

of Positions

Match one or more evaluated people with our predefined positions.


It describes the compatibility between one or more persons evaluated and the competencies predefined by PDA.

of Positions

Match one or more evaluated people with our predefined positions.

Get to know our competency models

The PDA competencies allow you to generate compatibility studies between the behavioral style of the person and the competency model of the organization.

We defined more than 1,500 positions, for all industries.

The PDA Profile platformhelps you define the job competencies and characteristics for the position you have vacant. Find the position you are looking for or customize the position.

The PDA does not qualify profiles as “good or bad”

Describes the behavioral characteristics of the person being analyzed to provide talent management with valuable and accurate information for all its processes.

PDA skills

Allow you to identify the efforts necessary for your employees and candidates to develop them. Find the competency you are looking for or customize those of your organization. Find the competition you are looking for or customize those of your organization.

The PDA does not qualify profiles as “good or bad”

Describes the behavioral characteristics of the person being analyzed to provide talent management with valuable and accurate information for all its processes.

PDA skills

Allow you to identify the efforts necessary for your employees and candidates to develop them. Find the competency you are looking for or customize those of your organization. Find the competition you are looking for or customize those of your organization.

Theory and certifications

Learn about the theoretical underpinning based on studies and research, as well as all the additional information here: